Fortran source code for program o3o3.f90

! program onom_sem.f90 - file name is "o3o3_3.f90"
! J. Steppeler created
! J. Li modified 25 February 2019
! EH: 
!   program name changed to onom_sem (to be consistent)
!   to compile on netcup server use these commands(see build proc makeO3o3_3):
!   gfortran -std=gnu -fdefault-real-8 -cpp -fno-align-commons -g -c gkssubs2.f90
!   gfortran -std=gnu -fdefault-real-8 -cpp -fno-align-commons -DNOGKS -g -o o3o3_3 o3o3_3.f90 gkssubs2.o
!   When executing program o3o3_3  lot of "...dat" files are produced
!   These "..dat" files are needed to produce gnuplot graphics in a second step

MODULE const
  PARAMETER (ie=600,ib=6,it=7)
 !PARAMETER (ie=20,ib=6,it=7)
  real dx,dt,f,u00,h00,h00y
  real wm2,wm1,w0,wp1,wp2
  real x1(-ib:ie+ib+3)
  real xp(-ib:ie+ib+3)
  real a21 ,a22 ,a31 ,a32  ! coefficients for spectral to gp transform
  real a2x1,a2x2,a3x1,a3x2 ! grid point values for derivatives of h2 and h3
  real a2x0,a2x3,a3x0,a3x3 ! grid point values for derivatives of h2 and h3
  real aglinp,aglinm ! Galerkin coefficient linear part, lower and upper interval
  real a2xg0,a2xg3 ! Galerkin coefficient o2 part
  real a3xg0,a3xg3 ! Galerkin coefficient o3 part
  real aa2,aa3     ! coefficients for gp to spec transform
  real fl1,fl2     ! coefficients for linear interpolation
  real dx3         ! large grid interval

 ! parameter ( imod = 1 ) 
  parameter ( imod = 2 ) 
  ! Choice for the numerical method
  ! 1--control run, standard o4 differenceing
  ! 2--o3o3 dt = 2.5
  ! 3--o3o3 completely in spectral spave: not available
  ! 4-- not available
  ! 5--SEM3 dt = 1.5
  ! 6--SEM2
  ! cubic representation for h. should have no 0 space, d.h. only 2 dx wave.
  ! up to imod=3 in order

  ! imod = 5 for SEM3, but rather than Legendre polynomials linear, second and third-order componenta are used.
  ! There is probably an error in this. It has quite a bit of dispersion, and the CFL Condition is very large 7.8!!!.

  parameter ( line_number = 5 ) ! default = 5
  parameter ( plot_together = 1 )
  parameter ( matlab = 1 ) ! 0--close matlab files, 1--open matlab files

  parameter ( initialconditionh = 0 ) ! defualt: 8; 0--peak solution, 4--smooth 4, 8--smooth 8, 1--constant = 4
  parameter ( hconstant = 0 )    ! if hconstant = 1 then initialconditionh = 1 line_number = 1

  parameter ( condensation = 0 ) 
  ! 0--no condensation
  ! 11--naive condensation method at third point 
  ! 12--spline condensation method at third point
  ! 21--naive condensation method at every point
  ! 22--spline condensation method at every point

! -------------------------------------------
MODULE field
  USE const
  real h   (-ib:ie+ib,it)  !  density
  real ha2 (-ib:ie+ib,it) ! coefficient of h2
  real ha3 (-ib:ie+ib,it) ! coefficient of h3
  real hxx (-ib:ie+ib) ! coefficient of h2
  real hta2(-ib:ie+ib) ! coefficient of h2 t
  real hta3(-ib:ie+ib) ! coefficient of h2 t
  real hlin(-ib:ie+ib) ! h linearly interpolated
  real hho (-ib:ie+ib) ! high order part of h
  real h2mid(0:ie) , htmid(0:ie), htxmid(0:ie), ht3(-ib:ie+ib)
  real hmid (0:ie) 
  real hxmid(0:ie) 
  real hdiff(0:ie)

  real hxxx(-ib:ie+ib) ! coefficient of h3 for SEM3
  real  hxxSE2 (-ib:ie+ib) ! coefficient of h2 for SEM2	****Jinxi


! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE initialize()
  USE const
  USE field
  ! USE gks_substitute ! not needed for real GKS/NCAR
  !h2(x,dd) = (x**2-dd**2/4.)/2.;
  !h3(x,dd) = (x*(x**2-dd**2/4.)/2.)/3.   ! definition base 
  ! characteristic polynomials
  ! initialise fields, low resolution and high resolution
  dx  = 1. 
  dx3 = 3. * dx
  ! weights for 4rth order differentiation
  i   = 6
  ! call mk_w(wm2,wm1,w0,wp1,wp2,x1,ie)! MOW_GC routione to compute weights for irregular grids. 
  ! weights for regular resolution
  wm2=8.33333358E-02;wm1= -0.666666687;w0=0.00000000;wp1=0.666666687;wp2= -8.33333358E-02
  if (imod .eq. 1) then ! control run
    dt = 2.0  ! stable  stability limit control imod = 1
  else if (imod .eq. 2) then 
    dt = 2.5  ! stable imod = 2
  else if (imod .eq. 4) then 
    dt = 2.8  ! stable for Centred FD (imod = 4) unstable 2.9
  else if (imod .eq. 5) then
    dt = 1.5
  else if (imod .eq. 3) then
    dt = 0.5 !! smaller timesteps for scheme
  else if (imod .eq. 6) then
    dt = 0.5 !! 
  else if (imod .eq. 7) then
    dt = 0.5 !! 
  end if
dt = 1.

  print *, 2.8*.7,'2.8*.7'
  u00 = 1.
  h00 = 10.
  x1(-ib) = -ib * dx  !x1 is for u-positions
  do i=-ib+1,ie+ib
    x1(i) = x1(i-1) + dx

! the following is for imod=5, comment otherwise
  if (imod == 5) then
    do i = -ib, ie+ib, 3
      xxmid   = (x1(i)+x1(i+3))*.5
      xx11    = -.447214*1.5 ; xx22=-xx11 ! Gauss Lobtto points
      x1(i+1) = xxmid-.447214*1.5
      x1(i+2) = xxmid+.447214*1.5
    end do
  else if (imod == 6) then
    do i = -ib, ie+ib, 2
      xxmidSE2   = (x1(i)+x1(i+2))*.5
      xx11SE2    = 0.0!-.447214*1.5 ; xx22=-xx11 ! Gauss Lobtto points
      x1(i+1) = xxmidSE2 - xx11SE2
      !x1(i+2) = xxmidSE2+1.0
    end do
  end if
  xp(-ib:ie+ib) = x1(-ib:ie+ib)*10./real(ie)-5.
  pi  = atan(1.) * 4.
  h   = 0.
  if (initialconditionh == 0) then 
    h(:,1)   = 0.
    h(150,1) = 4.
    h(149,1) = 2.*4./3.
    h(151,1) = 2.*4./3.
    !h(148,1) = 1.*4./3.
    !h(152,1) = 1.*4./3.
    !h(5,1) = 4.;
    !h(4,1) = 2.;
    !h(6,1) = 2.
  else if (initialconditionh == 4) then 
    do i = -ib, ie+ib
      h(i,1) = 4.*exp(-(x1(i)*dx/4.-x1(150)/4.*dx)**2)
  else if (initialconditionh == 8) then 
    do i = -ib, ie+ib
      h(i,1) = 4.*exp(-(x1(i)*dx/8.-x1(150)/8.*dx)**2)
  else if (initialconditionh == 1) then 
    do i = -ib, ie+ib
      h(i,1) = 4.0
  end if

  ! periodic boundary conditions
  h(- ib:0,1)    = h(ie- ib:ie,1);
  h(ie:ie+ ib,1) = h(0: ib,1)
  do i = -ib, ie+ib
    print*,i,h(i,1),'i,h(i,1) after bc'

  !  Open GKS

! -------------------------------------------
SUBROUTINE finalize()
  ! USE gks_substitute ! not needed for real GKS/NCAR
  ! close GKS

! -------------------------------------------
PROGRAM onom_sem 
  use const
  use field
  ! USE gks_substitute ! not needed for real GKS/NCAR

  character(len = 80) :: filename_new_banyin1, form_banyin1
  character(len = 80) :: filename_new_banyin2, form_banyin2
  character(len = 80) :: filename_new_banyin3, form_banyin3

  ! Definitions for SEM3
  eem(x)  = .5-.5*x/1.5;eep(x)=.5+.5*x/1.5
  eemx(x) = -.5/1.5;eepx(x)=.5/1.5
  hh2(x)  = (x**2-1.5**2)/2. ; hh3(x)=(x**3-x*1.5**2)/6.
  hh2x(x) = (2.*x)/2. ; hh3x(x)=(3.*x**2-1.5**2)/6.
  ! Definitions for SEM2
  eemSE2(x)  = .5-.5*x/1.0;eepSE2(x)=.5+.5*x/1.0
  eemSE2x(x) = -.5/1.0;eepSE2x(x)=.5/1.0
  hh2SE2(x)  = (x**2-1.0**2)/2.! ; hh3SE2(x)=(x**3-x*1.0**2)/6.
  hh2SE2x(x) = (2.*x)/2.! ; hh3SE2x(x)=(3.*x**2-1.0**2)/6.

  call initialize()
  h(150,1) = 4.
  ! h(149,1) = 2.
  ! h(151,1) = 2.
  do i=0,ie
      h(i,1) = 4.*exp(-(x1(i)*dx/4.-x1(250)/4.*dx)**2)
  !! Runge Kutta 4 time scheme
  !nnt    = 0
  !ntper  = 0
  !nou2d  = 0
  !ncount = 1

  ! periodic boundary conditions
  h(- ib:0,1)    = h(ie- ib:ie,1);
  h(ie:ie+ ib,1) = h(0: ib,1)
  CALL SET ( 0. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -5.9, 5.9, -5. , 5. , 1 )
call gsln(3)

  if (matlab == 1) then
    select case (ie+ib)
    case (0:9)
       write(form_banyin1,'(i1)') ie+ib
    case (10:99)
       write(form_banyin1,'(i2)') ie+ib
    case (100:999)
       write(form_banyin1,'(i3)') ie+ib
    case (1000:9999)
       write(form_banyin1,'(i4)') ie+ib
    case (10000:99999)
       write(form_banyin1,'(i5)') ie+ib
    end select
    write(filename_new_banyin1,*) "initial",trim(form_banyin1),".txt"
    do i = -ib, ie+ib
      write(0711,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
    end do
  else if  (matlab == 0) then
  end if

  ! advection over a distance of 3000 dx
  if (hconstant == 0) then 
    nnend = 600 / dt ! Integration steps
    ! 1200/dt, 2/dt, 10/dt, 300/dt, 3000/dt, 30000/dt, 600/dt, 10
  else if (hconstant == 1) then 
    nnend = 1
  end if
  iplot    = 0
  iplotrep = 0

  do ntime = 1,nnend
    ! mass
    do i=0,ie-2
      fmass = fmass+h(i,1) * (x1(i+1) - x1(i))
    print *,ntime,'ntime',fmass,'mass',maxval(h(0:ie,1)),'max h'  
    h(:,2) = h(:,1)
    h(:,4) = 0.
    do irk = 1, 4
      h(:,3)    = 0.
      u00       = 1.
      h(-1,1)   = h(1,1)
      h(ie+1,1) = h(ie-1,1)
      ! EH: this is an empty loop - eliminate it
      do i=-ib,ie
        !h(i,1) = i**2!test
        !h(i,1) = 0.
      !h(:,1) = 0.
      !h(3,1) = 1.
      ! periodic boundary conditions
      h(- ib:0,1)    = h(ie- ib:ie,1);
      h(ie:ie+ ib,1) = h(0: ib,1)
      a21 = -1. / 2.
      if (imod.eq.1)then ! control run
        do  i = -ib+2, ie+ib-3,3  
        ! Mass in second order
        ! o2 amplitude for time derivative less accurate though more correct??
        ! standard differencing: non-conserving decomment for 
        ! standard differencing (control)
        ! differencing from splines
          h(i,3)   = -u00*(wm2*h(i-2,1)+wm1*h(i-1,1)+wp1*h(i+1,1)+wp2*h(i+2,1))
          h(i+1,3) = -u00*(wm2*h(i-2+1,1)+wm1*h(i-1+1,1)+wp1*h(i+1+1,1)+ &
          h(i+2,3) = -u00*(wm2*h(i-2+2,1)+wm1*h(i-1+2,1)+wp1*h(i+1+2,1)+ &
      else if (imod.eq.2) then ! o3o3 run
do i=-1,ie!test
         do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          h(i,3)   = -u00*(wm2*h(i-2,1)+wm1*h(i-1,1)+wp1*h(i+1,1)+wp2*h(i+2,1))
        end do

        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          ha2(i,1) = -(-3.*((h(i+3,1)-h(i,1))/3.+(h(i+3,3)+h(i,3))/2.))*4./9.
        end do
        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  

        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
hhhx =(ha2(i,2)-ha2(i-3,2))/3.
          ha3(i,1) =-(ha2(i+3,1)-ha2(i-3,1))/6.
 hlin1 =  (h(i,1)*2./3. + h(i+3,1)/3.)
 hlin2 =  (h(i,1)*1./3. + h(i+3,1)*2./3.)
          del1      = h(i+1,1)-hlin1
          del2      = h(i+2,1)-hlin2
          hhxx      =  (del1+del2)/(.5**2-1.5**2)
!ha3(i,1)= (-hhxx - (h(i+3,3)-h(i,3))/3.)!*1./1.5**2
        end do
        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
 !       do  i = -ib+9, ie+ib-9,3  

        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          h(i+1,3) = h(i,3)*2./3.+h(i+3,3)/3.+ha2(i,1)*.5*(.5**2-1.5**2)-ha3(i,1)*.5*(.5**2-1.5**2)*.5/3.
          h(i+2,3) = h(i,3)/3.+h(i+3,3)*2./3.+ha2(i,1)*.5*(.5**2-1.5**2)+ha3(i,1)*.5*(.5**2-1.5**2)*.5/3.
        end do
        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3  

      else if (imod.eq.3) then ! spectral differencing at main nodes 

      print*,'not available'
      else if (imod.eq.5) then ! SEM3
        do i = -ib, ie+ib
          !h(i,1)   = x1(i)**3 !test
        end do

        ! linear interpolated h
        xx11        = -.447214*1.5 ; xx22=-xx11 ! Gauss lobtto points
        !xx11       = -.5; xx22=.5 ! this recreates o3o3
        hlin        = h(:,1)

        do  i = -ib, ie+ib-3,3  
          hlin(i+1) =  (hlin(i)*eem(xx11) + hlin(i+3)*eep(xx11))
          hlin(i+2) =  (hlin(i)*eem(xx22) + hlin(i+3)*eep(xx22))
        end do

        h(:,3)      = 0.
        h(:,6)      = 0.
        hxx(i)      = 0.

        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          del1      = h(i+1,1)-hlin(i+1)
          del2      = h(i+2,1)-hlin(i+2)
          hxx(i)    = (del1+del2)/(hh2(xx11)+hh2(xx22))
          hxxx(i)   = (del1-del2)/(hh3(xx11)-hh3(xx22))
        end do
        do i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          hxl       = (h(i+3,1)-h(i,1))/3.
          hxlm      = (h(i,1)-h(i-3,1))/3.
          h(i,3)    = -.5*(hxl-hxx(i)*1.5+hxxx(i)*hh3x(-1.5))-.5*(hxlm+hxx(i-3)*1.5+hxxx(i-3)*hh3x(-1.5))
        end do

        do i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          h(i+1,3)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx11)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx11)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx11)+hxxx(i)*hh3x(xx11))
          h(i+2,3)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx22)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx22)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx22)+hxxx(i)*hh3x(xx22))
          h(i+1,6)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx11)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx11)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx11))
          h(i+2,6)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx22)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx22)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx22))
        end do
      else if (imod.eq.6) then ! SEM2
        do i = -ib, ie+ib
          !h(i,1)   = x1(i)**3 !test
        end do

        ! linear interpolated h **** Jinxi: changed the definition of xx11 and delete xx22
        xx11SE2        = 0.0! xx11 = -.447214*1.5 ; xx22=-xx11 ! Gauss lobtto points
        !xx11       = -.5; xx22=.5 ! this recreates o3o3
        hlin        = h(:,1)

        do  i = -ib, ie+ib-2,2 !**** Jinxi: changed to every 2 points and end at ie+ib-2 
          hlin(i+1) =  (hlin(i)*eemSE2(xx11SE2) + hlin(i+2)*eepSE2(xx11SE2)) ! Jinxi: change the expressions of hlin
          !hlin(i+2) =  (hlin(i)*eem(xx22) + hlin(i+3)*eep(xx22))
        end do

        h(:,3)      = 0.
        h(:,6)      = 0.
        hxxSE2(i)      = 0.

        do  i = -ib, ie+ib-2, 2 !**** Jinxi: changed to every 2 points and start at -ib+2 and end at ie+ib-2 
          del1      = h(i+1,1) - hlin(i+1)
          !del2      = h(i+2,1) - hlin(i+2)
          !hxx(i)    = (del1 + del2) / (hh2(xx11) + hh2(xx22))
          !hxxx(i)   = (del1 - del2) / (hh3(xx11) - hh3(xx22))
          hxxSE2(i) = - 1.0 / 1.0 * (2*h(i,1) - h(i-1,1) - h(i+1,1)) ! change the definition from Eq 13 of our paper
        end do

        do i = -ib, ie+ib-2,2 !**** Jinxi: changed to every 2 points and start at -ib+2 and end at ie+ib-2 and the expression of h(i,3)
          !hxl       = (h(i+3,1)-h(i,1))/3.
          !hxlm      = (h(i,1)-h(i-3,1))/3.
!I copy the expression of h(i,3) from Equation (22)
          !h(i,3)    = (3.0/2.0)*(h(i+1,1)-h(i-1,1))/2.0 - 0.5*(h(i+2,1)-h(i-2,1))/4.0
          h(i,3)    = -(3.0/2.0)*(h(i+1,1)-h(i-1,1))/2.0 + 0.5*(h(i+2,1)-h(i-2,1))/4.0
        end do

        do i = -ib, ie+ib-2,2 !**** Jinxi: changed to every 2 points and start at -ib+2 and end at ie+ib-2 
          h(i+1,3)  = -(h(i,1)*eemSE2x(xx11SE2) + h(i+2,1)*eepSE2x(xx11SE2) + hxxSE2(i)*hh2SE2x(xx11SE2))
          !h(i+1,3)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx11)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx11)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx11)+hxxx(i)*hh3x(xx11))
          !h(i+2,3)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx22)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx22)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx22)+hxxx(i)*hh3x(xx22))
          !h(i+1,6)  = -(h(i,1)*eemSE2x(xx11SE2)+h(i+2,1)*eepSE2x(xx11SE2)+hxxSE2(i)*hh2SE2x(xx11SE2))
          !h(i+1,6)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx11)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx11)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx11))
          !h(i+2,6)  = -(h(i,1)*eemx(xx22)+h(i+3,1)*eepx(xx22)+hxx(i)*hh2x(xx22))
        end do

      else if (imod .eq. 7) then ! spectral differencing at main nodes, spectral time stepping 
        hlin        = h(:,1)
        ! linear interpolated h
        do  i = -ib, ie+ib-3,3  
          hlin(i+1) = (hlin(i)*2./3. + hlin(i+3)/3.)
          hlin(i+2) = (hlin(i)*1./3. + hlin(i+3)*2./3.)
        end do

        h(:,3)      = 0.

        do  i = -ib, ie+ib-3,3  
          hxl       = (h(i+3,1)-h(i,1))/3.
          h(i,3)    = h(i,3)-.5*(hxl-ha2(i,1)*1.5+ha3(i,1)*3./4.)
          h(i+3,3)  = h(i+3,3)-.5*(hxl+ha2(i,1)*1.5+ha3(i,1)*3./4.)
        end do

        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          hta2(i)   = -(-3.*((h(i+3,1)-h(i,1))/3.+(h(i+3,3)+h(i,3))/2.))*4./9.
          ha2(i,3)  = hta2(i)
        end do

        do  i = -ib+3, ie+ib-3,3  
          hta3(i)   = (hta2(i+3)-hta2(i-3))/6.
          ha3(i,3)  = hta3(i)
        end do
      ! RK weights
      if (irk.eq.1) ftim1 = dt * .5
      if (irk.eq.2) ftim1 = dt * .5
      if (irk.eq.3) ftim1 = dt * 1.
      if (irk.eq.4) ftim1 = dt * .0
      if (irk.eq.1) ftim2 = dt / 6.
      if (irk.eq.2) ftim2 = dt / 3.
      if (irk.eq.3) ftim2 = dt / 3.
      if (irk.eq.4) ftim2 = dt / 6.
      h(:,1)      =  h(:,3) * ftim1 + h(:,2)
      h(:,4)      =  h(:,3) * ftim2 + h(:,4)
      h(- ib:0,1) = h(ie- ib:ie,1);
      h(ie:ie+ ib,1) = h(0: ib,1) ! per bc
      if (imod .ne. 5) then 
!        ha2(:,1)      =  ha2(:,3) * ftim1 + h(:,2)
!        ha2(:,4)      =  ha2(:,3) * ftim2 + h(:,4)
!!        ha2(- ib:0,1) = ha2(ie- ib:ie,1);
!!        ha2(ie:ie+ ib,1) = ha2(0: ib,1) ! per bc !ha2 for imod=2
!        ha3(:,1)      =  ha3(:,3) * ftim1 + h(:,2)
!        ha3(:,4)      =  ha3(:,3) * ftim2 + h(:,4)
!        ha3(- ib:0,1) = ha3(ie- ib:ie,1);
!        ha3(ie:ie+ ib,1) = ha3(0: ib,1) ! per bc !ha3 for imod=2
        do i=0,ie,2
          h(i,6)   = h(i,1);
          if (imod == 6) then 
            h(i+1,6) = h(i,1)*0.5+h(i+3,1)*0.5;
            h(i+1,6) = h(i,1)*2./3.+h(i+3,1)/3.;
            h(i+2,6) = h(i,1)/3.+h(i+3,1)*2./3.
          end if
          h(i,7)   = h(i,3);
          h(i+1,7) = (h(i,3)+h(i+3,3))*.5
          h(i+1,7) = h(i+1,7)+hta2(i)*a21
        end do
      end if     
    end do  ! end do irk=1,4
 CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , h(0:ie,1), ie+1 )
  call frame 
 !CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , h(0:ie,3), ie+1 )
 ! call frame 
 !CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , ha3(0:ie,1), ie+1 )
 ! call frame 
    h(:,1) = h(:,2) + h(:,4)
    h(:,7) = h(:,7) * 5.
    ipl    = 300. / dt

    iplot = iplot + 1

    if (plot_together == 0) then 
      if (iplot.eq.nnend/line_number) then
        CALL SET ( 0. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -5.9 , 5.9, -5. , 5. , 1 )
call gsln(1)
     if(   CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , h(0:ie,1)-iplotrep*.9-0.9, ie+1 )
    else if (plot_together == 1) then 
      if (iplot.eq.nnend/line_number) then
        CALL SET ( 0. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -5.9 , 5.9, -5. , 5. , 1 )
call gsln(3) ! line style
! Plotting using NCAR_GRAFICS is used, which is a freely avalable package. Any other grafics could be used as well. . 
        CALL SET ( 0. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -5.9 , 5.9, -5. , 5. , 1 )
  !      CALL HALFAX ( 10,2 , 10 , 2 , 0., 0., 1, 1 )
if(ntime.eq.1)call gsln(1)
if(ntime.eq.1)  CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , h(0:ie,1), ie+1 )
if(ntime.eq.1) print*,'plot'
if(ntime.eq.300)call gsln(2)
if(ntime.eq.300)  CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , h(0:ie,1), ie+1 )
if(ntime.eq.300) print*,'plot'
if(ntime.eq.29999)call gsln(3)
!if(ntime.eq.29999)  CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , h(0:ie,1), ie+1 )
if(ntime.eq.29999) print*,'plot'
    if  (matlab == 1) then ! output for matlab plotting
      if ((ntime.eq.nnend/line_number)) then
         write(filename_new_banyin2,*) "middle101.txt"
         do i = -ib, ie+ib
           write(0712,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
         end do
      else if ((ntime.eq.2*nnend/line_number)) then
         write(filename_new_banyin2,*) "middle202.txt"
         do i = -ib, ie+ib
           write(0712,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
         end do
      else if ((ntime.eq.3*nnend/line_number)) then
         write(filename_new_banyin2,*) "middle303.txt"
         do i = -ib, ie+ib
           write(0712,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
         end do
      else if ((ntime.eq.4*nnend/line_number)) then
         write(filename_new_banyin2,*) "middle404.txt"
         do i = -ib, ie+ib
           write(0712,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
         end do
      else if ((ntime.eq.300)) then
         write(filename_new_banyin2,*) "middle606.txt"
         do i = -ib, ie+ib
           write(0712,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
         end do
      else if ((ntime.eq.5*nnend/line_number)) then
           write(0712,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
    else if  (matlab == 0) then
    end if
  enddo   ! end do ntime=...
 CALL CURVE ( xp(0:ie) , h(0:ie,1), ie+1 )
  call frame 
  call frame 

  if (matlab == 1) then ! output for plotting by matlab
    select case (ie+ib)
      case (0:9)
          write(form_banyin3,'(i1)') ie+ib
      case (10:99)
          write(form_banyin3,'(i2)') ie+ib
      case (100:999)
          write(form_banyin3,'(i3)') ie+ib
      case (1000:9999)
          write(form_banyin3,'(i4)') ie+ib
      case (10000:99999)
          write(form_banyin3,'(i5)') ie+ib
    end select
    write(filename_new_banyin3,*) "result",trim(form_banyin3),".txt"
    do i = -ib, ie+ib
      write(0713,*) i, h(i,1), h(i,2), h(i,3), h(i,4), h(i,5), h(i,6), h(i,7), maxval(abs(h(:,1) - h(:,6)))
    end do
  else if  (matlab == 0) then
  end if

  CALL SET ( 0. , 1. , 0. , 1. , -5.9 , 5.9, -5. , 5. , 1 )
  call gsln(2)
  CALL CURVE ( xp(-ib:ie+ib) , h(-ib:ie+ib,6), ie+1+2*ib )
  ! close GKS
!  CALL finalize()
END PROGRAM onom_sem